Well, here we go again! After many months of prayer for direction for our family, Jon and I both felt the calling. So, we answered the call and are in the process of adopting from China again. We have completed our home study and our paperwork is at immigration. We are headed to get our biometric fingerprints soon and then after immigration approval our paperwork will be off to China! We aren't sure of a timeline for that to happen...which leads me to this...
When we began this journey several months ago, I prayed that I would not be consumed with the adoption process like I was the first time. I apologize to everyone who had to endure me whining and complaining over documents that you had never heard of, timelines that didn't match up to mine, and countless other issues dealing with our first adoption. I confess, I was crazy and controlling. Thank you, Captain Obvious!!! This time I have prayed that I would just relax in God's goodness and perfect timing as He orchestrates this amazing story. I can honestly say that there have been moments that I've been successful, and others that I've slipped back to my controlling ways. All I need to do is take a glance at Sam to realize how perfectly God works.

I feel like God has been showing me a common thread in my life lately...SLOW DOWN. Recently, at our youth retreat, the weekend theme was walking in the will of God. I was reminded that we must crucify our will in order to walk in His. It is not always comfortable to walk in His will, BUT it is GOOD! God is calling me to slow down, to let go of some things that I hold too tightly. Some of these things are tangible, some not. I am a work in progress, but I trust that He will complete this work that He has begun. I want to climb this mountain with my hands wide open!