Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Walk with me"

Okay, so my flesh is weak!  I'm not sure if this is normal for people going through adoption, but I'm going to be honest and put my confession out there.  I have been struggling with thoughts of "Is this really going to happen?"  My mind is plagued with what if's, doubts and fears of this adoption actually happening.  I heard on the radio THIS MORNING that fear is cancer to the mind.  It was like God was sending me a message.  Then in my quiet time with Him I confessed my fears and doubts (as if He didn't already know).  His answer was "Walk with me".  There was no promise that it will be easy or that the adoption will happen on my timeline.  When I really think about having it "my way", it scares me!  I asked God to encourage me through His word and this is what He showed me in Numbers 23:19

God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill? 

How easily my human mind forgets all of His faithfulness!  I am clinging to this verse and pray that I will become more like Him.  I'm praying that I will be faithful in walking with Him!!!  Happy Thanksgiving to all! 

Next home study (#3) is December 6th!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Angels Among Us

We got our fingerprints back and CAN forms from Alabama.  Still waiting on Georgia, Oklahoma and Colorado.  I am done with the required readings!!!  We have our second home study tomorrow. 

I am amazed at how I see God in the finest details of our adoption process.  I've been reading in Genesis about the servant finding a wife for Isaac and the specific details that went into this process.  The goal was clearly defined and specific prayers were asked for the journey to succeed.  Genesis 24:40...'The Lord, before whom I have walked faithfully, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success, so that you can get a wife for my son...'  I am comforted by that verse that God will send his angel with us and make our journey a success. 

God has proven His faithfulness repeatedly by answering those unspoken requests of my heart.  He knows my need and provides.  We've been blessed by God using His people to speak encouragement into our lives.  He has sent lots of angels to make this journey a success!